Oct 19, 2007


Having recently been released after a rough 5 years in state penitentiary the former leader of the Nudeldrucker-Gang was seen in his old hood in Vienna rounding up some members of his clan. Renewed clashes over the running of the local black market chewing gum sales are likely. Police is already investigating possible developments.

Oct 18, 2007


by www.blueskunk.net


by www.blueskunk.net
Green and Mean

The infamous "Green Carpet Flathead" commonly referred to as "Tit Snapper" was spotted again recently after a long absence. The beast was estimated to be a whopping 3.5 m long and found waiting for unassuming prey in just 4 m of water. The local beaches were closed after the sighting for all female swimmers.
Tyrolean Tour

Construction of a working Time Travelling Machine has seemingly progressed in secret and much credit needs to go to the ÖBB for supporting such relevant research.

May the Force, and the Grappa be with you all!

World Sperm Day

Dr Luther wrote 1933 in his epic work "Knowledge and Skill - High School of practical Life": "Married couples are recommended to fullfill their love-duty 104 times per year which seems to befit the average person the best."

Oct 9, 2007

Boss Mob

Mr Z, whose business seminar series “Resistance causes Pain – A progressive Discourse of Lessons learned in a Combat Zone and its Applications to the Office Environment” generously offers this wallpaper for download. We greatly appreciate this gesture.

Voodoo Stefy

After much deliberation Madame Stefy aka “Voodoo Stefy” agreed to hold a Voodoo Clinic for interested parties. Course content, requirements for participation can be found on her website www.missaplane.com

BlueSkunk Blues 2007

Wrapped in stomping rhythms, melodic riffs and presented by stunningly equipped female vocalists these concerts have excelled in combining the latest metaphysical revelations of the BlueSkunk Society with an extravagant musical performance.

A Renegade

Sadly we have to announce that one of our own, "Stelzn Schorsch", aka "Minority Schorsch", has recently been caught exhibiting some of the more unacceptable social habits of our times and is now being sought after by international police. His cunning character has so far helped him avoid prosecution but with increased efforts and unseen international cooperation his days are surely numbered.


We gladly support a most promising upcoming politician who, with greatest skill and innovative thinking, is able to reshape the common sloth into a supreme being of utmost grace, beauty and productivity. Look forward to his seminar programs “I reiß eich des wüde owe, wenns net onzaht’s! – a timely re-evaluation of leadership skills”.


A Warhol inspired painting by polish enfant terrible, Mr. Eko Jatow, was auctioned by Sotheby’s last week and acquired by the ceo of the BlueSkunk Society, Mr Phil Ocker
for a staggering 3.5 mio Euros, and immediately donated to the society.

Sep 17, 2007

Race Season is open

Racing: The art of skillfully maintaining contact between the rider-machine combo and the tarmac while at the same time exposing oneself to elevated gravitational forces in the lateral and longitudinal planes.

And, of course, to smoke everything that comes along.

Mt Sandbox Expedition

Multinational mountaineers have scaled the north-face of the infamous Mt Sandbox battling fierce storms and excruciatingly low temperatures while performing nerve-wrecking technical climbing feats.

Sep 16, 2007


The Freediver stalks the SCUBA Diver with the goal to attach a tag on him without being detected. A dangerous exercise which can result in injury when detected which therefore should only be performed by highly trained freedivers.

In this year 2 championships were held. Read more about it in this article: (link to be added soon at www.blueskunk.net/)


For hardcore divers with solid diving skills and fearless attitude. Dangers lurk everywhere, death is a reality. You better venture prepared into the dark world beneath the surface.

Only the brave at www.blueskunk.net/